The Boom Effect - Bid for SOS and more

The Boom Effect

Several months ago I pulled together all the short stories I have written within the world of "Some Other Scotland" and produced a small, 40-page booklet for promotional use only. It features all the short tales written up to that time, as well as one story that has yet to be published (and will not be for at least another threee months). Only six were produced and most have now been given away as competition prizes. I have donated another signed copy of the booklet to "The Boom Effect", along with a signed copy of the Lunacy Board's first album, "Eponymous Debut".

Tee Morris was the first person to podcast an audio-book and is widely-respected in the world of new media, having also published books on Twitter and podcasting. The recent death of his wife, Natalie, prompted his close friends in the online community to set up a fund to help support his young daughter, known online as 'Sonic Boom'. "The Boom Effect" is holding an online auction on the 27th February 2010 to raise more money for this fund and features an incredible range of signed books and artwork, jewellery and bespoke services (such as getting a song written for you).


The auction raised a total of $8,343.75, with $55 of that being for the two items below. Thanks to all bidders for showing an interest and congratulations to the winners!

Some Other Scotland - Interlude 03


Interlude 03:

  • New website location.
  • Introducing the Wiki

The new website address is

The 'Some Other Scotland' Wiki can be found at

Thanks go to Katharina from the Luscious Leftovers podcast for her amazing work in bringing the wiki to life.

Some Other Scotland - SpinOff 03 - The Three Coos

3 Coos

The next spin-off story to feature at Some Other Scotland is a little different.

This is a variation on the popular fairytale 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff', but this is as told by Razer, so it has a little more local flavour.

It was inspired by odin1eye from the View From Valhalla blog. That is a good source of reviews of other podiobooks you might want to investigate if you are enjoying SOS.