This Week:
- Erica keeps attention away from the village.
- Razer comes to a decision about his future.
- Tania takes Erica on an unusual trip.
This week’s news story:
Pitlochry's UFO taken seriously by MOD
changed to the alternative:
Harrier pilots didn't see UFO
Documents about UFO sightings, recently released by the Ministry of Defence, include details of photographs showing a large diamond-shaped UFO hovering above a harrier jet. Commenting on the released information, the MOD clarified their earlier statement by saying that although jets were operating in the area, the pilots saw nothing and flight records showed no unusual activity was encountered.
Further information
The Kitchener Memorial on Orkney.
Read the copies of the UFO reports released by the MOD (see p157 for the Pitlochry incident).
Find the short story spin-off from SOS about Sarah Fullarton (from episode 2) at Great Hites #58.