This is an introductory instalment of the “Some Other Scotland” podcast, explaining what is different about it from other podcast fiction you may have read.
Polls will normally be posted on Sunday nights at the end of the news week. You have one week to vote, but early voting gives me advance warning of the final outcome which means more time to write!
Podcasts will be available up to one week later, by Sunday night at the latest.
Feedback about the podcasts or ideas for involving listeners other than the polls are welcomed. Please contact me either by leaving a comment below or emailing me at mickbordet @ gmail . com.
I have kept this introduction short so that, if you want to build up the story over the weeks as a collection of mp3 files, you can quite easily leave this one out without losing any of the story or having this background detail included in your collection.
I hope you enjoy the journey through an alternative Scottish 2009, starting with the first full podcast very soon.
The music for this podcast is from the track “No Strings Attached” by The Lunacy Board, who can be found at
Some Other Scotland by Mick Bordet is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.